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Re: [adoptium-wg] Adoptium Working Group Steering Committee - Committer Member Election

Thank you Tim. I would like to accept the nomination and would be delighted to hold a position on the Adoptium if accepted :-)

For those who don't already know me I worked at IBM until about six months ago and now work for Red Hat. I have been heavily involved as the lead of the machine infrastructure at AdoptOpenJDK and development of machine setup automation with the wide range of cloud providers which we use as well as continuing to liaise with the java team at IBM who also build on our automation we have at the project. I've worked a extensively on the JVM build repositories too, recently working to get Alibaba and Huawei's VM variants running at the project across the platforms they are interested in, and I have a focus on maintaining stability and adequate documentation of build/test areas generally to ensure that this remains a vibrant, successful and respected open-source project in the java world. I've also been involved with the release processes which we have and have done some work in many of the other repositories at the project at one time or another working with people in all areas on a daily basis.



On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 12:32, Tim Ellison <t.p.ellison@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'd like to nominate Stewart Addison for the position of Committer Member.

Stewart, who most people know as "sxa" on Slack and elsewhere, has been
part of AdoptOpenJDK from the beginning and has served on the
AdoptOpenJDK Technical Steering Committee for a long time.

He has broad knowledge of the project code and infrastructure, and has
made significant contributions to the community and processes that have
made the project successful to date.  I believe he would be a valuable
Committer Member of the steering committee.



Working for Red Hat on AdoptOpenJDK and Node.js

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