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Re: [4diac-dev] Sunsetting 4diac IDE’s Virtual DNS Infrastructure

Hi Alois, 

a great and groundbreaking addition to 4diac. 
I enjoy it very much. 
Thanks for that great Work! 

I have an open Task with VAR_GLOBAL CONSTANT. 

I am searching for somebody (Volunteer, for Beer, or for Money)
who can write me a simple Script which can generate *.globalconsts out of *.h.

The Process is: 
#define SoftKey_back_up                    5008
convert to: 
SoftKey_back_up                      : UINT   := 5008;

should not be too difficult. 


Am Do., 23. März 2023 um 20:53 Uhr schrieb Alois Zoitl <alois.zoitl@xxxxxx>:
In the beginning of 4diac IDE, we introduced Virtual DNS as a means to easily collect configuration values for IOs and communication FBs. It was a simple key-
value store that greatly reduced the effort. But it was never more than that and had its problems (e.g., editing Virtual DNS in a view is a pain [1]).

In the last months, as part of the work on improving our IEC 61131-3 structured text support, we added a new feature: a file format for providing a set of
globally available constants. This feature is now in a state where it can replace the Virtual DNS. Therefore, we will start the process of removing Virtual DNS
from the development branch of 4diac IDE. With the next release it will not be available any more.

If you want to try out our new global constants feature get 4diac IDE’s latest RC build [2]. There, you can simply create a file with the extension globalconsts
and open it in the default editor. In this editor, you can specify your constants textually:

    PI : REAL := 3.1415;
    PI_HALF : REAL := PI / 2.0;
    TWO_PI : REAL := PI * 2.0;

You can use the constants in any place in 4diac IDE where literals of the specified type are allowed (e.g., a pin of an FB). The great advantage of the global
constants is that they are typed. With that, we can provide feedback whether the constant is allowed at the place you are using it. Also, code completion is

Looking forward to your feedback.

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