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Re: [4diac-dev] FMI for 4diac

Why am I getting this are you the one who has hacked my accounts 

Michael Garcia

On Thu, Aug 25, 2022, 11:47 PM Dennis Schmid <dennis1.schmid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Sir or Madame,

my name is Dennis Schmid an I'm a student at the University of applied science in Regensburg. For a Student Project I would like to use 4diac to implement a controller for a System build in Dymola. Both models should be exported as FMU's via the Funktional Mock-up Interface of the Softwaretools. 

I was following the documentation to use the FMI for 4diac ( and until the compilation of the Project everything was working fine, thus the documentation is kind of outdated. So while trying to compile the Projekt there are a few problems i tried to fix but did not get it right.

1. The Projekt stucture is diffrent from the documentation, so I tryd various combinations of compilation, always with some errors. (eg.  the fmuinstance.obj  file can't be opended, because it doese not exist)

2. There should be a .dll file which isn't there.

3. Because of the missing .dll file I can not set the FMU preferences in the runtime enviroment

I hope your can help me or update the documentation.


Dennis Schmid

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