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Re: [4diac-dev] Changing C++ standard requirements for FORTE


On 2022-03-08 17:15, Melik-Merkumians@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hello everyone,

with all the new developments in 4diac IDE (FBN features, new ST grammar, editor, language constructs) we are hitting a ceiling what we can implement in FORTE, which until now has limited itself mainly to pre C++11 features (with the exception StopWatch FB). Now with all the development, we realized that we need modern C++ features, which is why we (Alois and me) propose to switch to C++20 with FORTE 2.1.x, which every recent GCC-based and MSVC compiler supports nowadays.

While I applaud the change, is there a specific reason you want to switch to C++20 in particular? On paper, support may be good, but in reality the more interesting features of that standard are only supported by the very latest versions. We should not shut out mainstream compilers that are still in active support (e.g. GCC 9).

C++17 support, on the other hand, is very mature in all recent compilers. If there are no specific C++20 features you are thinking of, I would suggest requiring C++17 for now, with the stated intention to upgrade this requirement in the future.

Dr.-Ing. Jörg Walter
Gruppenleiter | Group Manager
Distributed Computation and Communication

OFFIS e.V. - Institut für Informatik
FuE Bereich Produktion | R&D Division Manufacturing
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