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Re: [4diac-dev] 1.11.0 Release Preparation

Dear All,

as it is already Oct. 5th I wanted to give you a quick update on the 4diac 1.11.0 release. We are a bit behind schedule as one CQ was missing. But I hope we have everything ready by early next week. In the meantime I compiled a first list of changes and updates. They are pretty impressive:
  • 4diac IDE
    • Improved Lua code generation
    • Fixes in the dark theme in the console and the algorithm editors
    • Allow setting the font used in the graphical editors and better handling of IEC 61499-2 coordinate systems
    • Changed the default font to a mono-space font, where certain characters can be better distinguished (e.g., I &l)
    • Printing of diagrams
    • Many usability improvements:
      • Several problems with copy/paste
      • Simpler creation of states and actions with <ctrl+left mouse click> in the ECC editor
      • Improved transition presentation and editing in the state property sheet
      • Harmonized look and feel and improved handling of tables (e.g., tabbing through fields, look ahead search in selection boxes)
      • Transition lines pass through the middle control point
      • Provide mouse cursors feedback for indicating connection sources and destinations
      • ...
  • 4diac FORTE
  • 4diac LIB
    • Set of test FBs and applications for testing the different code generators

A full list of all bugs addressed in this release can be found here:


On Tue, 2019-09-03 at 18:20 +0200, Alois Zoitl wrote:

over the weekend I started the work on preparing the git branches and the Gerrit jobs for the upcoming 1.11.0 release. For bug fixes and improvements please use
from now on the 1.11.x branches in the 4diac IDE and 4diac FORTE git repos.

Furthermore the 4diac IDE nightly build update site is now updated from the 1.11.x Gerrit job.

@Jose: I somehow didn't correctly setup gerrit to trigger the builds for these branches. Could you please fix it and let us know what to do for the next

@All Commiters: please update the release description [1]. I would like to trigger the release review in the next days so that we are finished in time.



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