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[xtext-dev] Persisting xtext document information

Hello xtext developers,


with EMFStore it is possible to persist and share EMF model instances.

I was wondering, whether it is possible, feasible or imaginable, to store and restore xtext document structure information (as far as I know this is stored in the AST) along with the model instance, in order that the original xtext document which generated a certain model instance can be restored when loading a model from the store. As you already might have understood, I try to avoid of being dependent on the generated xtext Serializer of the grammar. The use of the standard grammar serializer, when loading a model from an EMFStore, would guarantee the right semantic in the created xtext document, but might produce a different syntax and order of statements compared to the xtext document which was originally used to create the model.


Looking forward to your answers and opinions about this topic.


Peter Pedron



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