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Re: [xtext-dev] Xtext Website

On May 12, 2009, at 10:50 AM, Heiko Behrens wrote:
First step: A Landing page
	• Appealing Look

It's important that it's clear to everyone that Xtext is an Eclipse Project.

	• Short description about Xtext in general
	• (Screenshot / Diagram ?)
	• Easy to find download link
	• Documentation
	• Professional Support (non annoying)
	• Key Features
	• Note for irritated Xtext oAW users
	• Status (latest commit, twitter, blog headlines) to appear fresh

Second, a restructured web page the conforms to these ideas

	• Landing Page (see above)
	• Documentation
		• online version of documentation
		• tutorials (n minute)
		• screencasts
		• DSL examples
		• other resources (such as articles or noteworthy blog posts)
	• Testimonials or "Users that are impressed by Xtext"
	• Support
		• Newsgroup
		• Bugzilla
		• Off-Link to "Professional Support"
	• Contribute / Developer
		• Team (People behind the scenes, short bio?)
		• Wiki
		• JavaDoc, JUnit-Reports

As Xtext is a Framework, I think JavaDoc belongs to the Documentation section.

All in all: +1


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