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Re: [xtext-dev] Changes in EMF Index

Hi Jan,

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 15:43, Jan Köhnlein <jan.koehnlein@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ----8<----
>> I presume it should also be possible to plug an IndexFeeder and an
>> EmfResourceChangeListener (or multiple) into the IndexBuilderImpl used
>> by the incremental project builder. This hook went missing with the
>> last refactoring.
> ----8<----
> You can still register EmfResourceChangeListeners to the IndexBuilderImpl by
>        indexBuilder.getListenerRegistry().add(...)
> The index feeder manages the consistency of the index store and should not
> be customized apart from the
>        addXXXDescriptor
> methods.

So far everything is OK. The problem I had was that the
IndexBuilderImpl used by the project builder (EmfIndexProjectBuilder)
cannot be configured in this way because it's private. Currently the
project builder's IndexBuilderImpl doesn't have any
EmfResourceChangeListeners so it won't index anything.

Will the project builder eventually disappear or will this
configuration be done using an extension point read by the builder?

As a workaround we instantiated our own IndexBuilderImpl. Similar to
what is done in IndexAwareResourceSet.



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