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[Wtp-wst-dev] Re-Using WST Server Framework for BPEL?


I have recently sent this email to the newsgroup, but think that the
question is probably better suited for the dev list:

I am working on a runtime extension point for the Eclipse BPEL Designer and
have been looking at the server framework used in Web Tools recently. I
would just like to describe what our extension point is trying to achieve
and would appreciate it, if someone could maybe answer along the lines of:
"forget it, not possible", "yup, you just need to do A, B, C", "yup, just
look at X" to the question "how do we make use of the server framework
(runtimeTypes, serverTypes, genericpublisher...) to implement our runtime
extension point?"

The mentioned extension point should allow third-party runtime providers to
simply plug their BPEL runtime into BPEL Designer. An extension would be
responsible to carry out the creation any deployment descriptors and
archives, carrying out some engine-specific validation of the module to be
dpeloyed, transferring necessary files onto the server, etc. The runtime
extension point should allow extensions to provide a wizard page to gather
their configuration params (sounds like wizardFragments maybe) and provide
access to required information such as bpel, wsdl, xsd files, model, etc.

After spending some time looking at the server framework source code, I am
still not sure whether these requirements can be realised by reusing your
efforts or whether we would be better off catering for our reqs ourselves. I
see many parallels, just haven't figured out whether it's really feasible.
If anyone could volunteer some thoughts on this (or if there is some need
for further clarification of what is needed), that would be great!


-- Bruno

Bruno Wassermann 
Research Fellow                
University College London      Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 0369 (Direct Dial)
Dept. of Computer Science      Fax: +44 (0)20 7387 1397
Gower Street		       
London WC1E 6BT      
United Kingdom 

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