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[Wtp-wst-dev] Re: [wtp-jst-dev] Eclipse plug-in for Testing Web and EJB Application

Hi Vikram,

   Dali is specifically addressing Java Persistence API ('JPA'/EJB 3.0 persistence) so my comments only apply to Dali. 

   Since JPA supports both in-container and out-of-container deployment you can build JPA Entities without selecting a target runtime.  However, you still need the JPA classes and annotations on your classpath for your Entities to compile.  When building out-of-container applications just put the javaee.jar that comes as part of the GlassFish Java EE 5 reference implementation on your classpath.  If you want to run out-of-container you can add toplink-essentials.jar to the classpath.  That's the JPA reference implementation that's available as part of GlassFish.

   When you add persistence to a Java project (i.e., enable Entity development), the wizard asks you to configure your classpath to include the JPA classes.  If you are adding JPA persistence to a WTP EJB (2.1) project, the wizard allows you to configure your classpath but expects, by default, that your target server has the necessary jars included in its classpath.


Vikram Makwana wrote:
I want to run my Web and EJB application in Eclipse without using any specific Application Server. Does Eclipse has any Plug-ins for running Web and EJB Application without using any specific Application Server?
Please reply me at your soonest convinence.

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Principal Product Manager
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