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Re: [wtp-releng] CBI build planning meeting

On 01/07/2014 10:11 PM, Carl Anderson wrote:

As much as I would appreciate other's input, the time I selected works best for the main people involved in planning this effort.  Note that this is just a planning meeting- my plan is to open bugs to help us get from where we are to where we need to be.  Between now and M6, I forsee many more discussions and a lot of work.  As is usual in an open source project, anyone that is willing to help us achieve that goal is welcome to contribute patches to the bugs, and to chime in on the discussions (both in meetings and on the mailing lists).  So for now, I feel it is best to stick to the announced time.

Just for curiosity: who are "the main people involved in planning this effort"? Is this set of people open? If yes, I'd be glad to be listed at one of them and help where I can.
Although I don't think it's a big deal if I miss this specific meeting, I believe it would make sense for the future to plan it in an open manner via a doodle or something to be more welcoming to new contributors which are not working in US.
After the meeting, please share meeting minutes with links to all related bugs so people who couldn't attend can know what was discussed and continue the meeting via emails or bugzillas.

Here are some bugs that you could discuss during this meeting, and that seems important to me in order to unify the build and reduce its grain so it's easier for contributors on a single module to just care about their single module without having to think about WTP as a whole.
Also, here is a topic for discussions:
* How will submodules be managed? Who will have to update references to commits (would the aggregation maintainer decide which commits to pull in aggregation, or the project contributors -similarly to what is done currently with map files-) ? Will you use branch reference (to master or maintenance branches) as allowed by recent version of git? I believe this last approach is the right one. With Git (and especially Gerrit) it's easy to use topic branches and to set up workflows so that master or maintenance branch is always good to be consumed by aggregator.
* and a more general discussion: when bug #425060 gets fixed, we'll see that each WTP project provides a p2 repo. In such case, it could be tempting to stop relying on submodules and create an aggregator that consumes those p2 sites directly to create the big WTP site without re-building. I'm not sure which solution is the best for WTP, but it would be nice to start listing the pros and cons of aggregation of p2 repo vs re-build via submodules.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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