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Re: [wtp-releng] Jar signing and output

Hi Carl,

Thanks and sorry I missed the meeting yesterday. I was unexpectedly more busy than usual.

Regarding the build output, I will open a bug to track work on getting the correct build output and related items. Tycho can create a p2 repository if we pass it a category.xml / site.xml file. Is there an existing one for WTP that I could use as a starting point?

Also for my reference, what's a good place for me to get an example of the build output?
(I found the downloads page [1] but wanted to be sure, is the build output the links under " P2 repositories in zipped format files" and " Traditional Zip Files"?)

Regarding signing, I agree it's not a top priority at the moment and just wanted to get a sense of what might be blockers here. Signing is just a profile which I've added to the parent pom [1] (copied from the Platform version) so when the time comes to investigate it more it' s just adding the parameter "-Peclipse-sign" to the build command (it's off by default). I will leave this one alone for now.

Finally, I've also started a wiki page [3] to document how to get a build running. Unfortunately at the moment we still can't build WTP out of the box due to the pom.xml version related bugs that are still open. I hope these items get merged soon so I can have a aggregator point which is buildable from a simple git clone. I will double check today to make sure there's no new versions that need updating and update any patches as necessary.



On 31/10/13 01:04 PM, Carl Anderson wrote:


First and foremost, welcome as a new committer for WTP releng!  Next, I am going to list out things that I feel that we need to do with the CBI build in the order that I think we need to do them:
First, we need to prune the build down to just the content that feeds into the current WTP 3.6 release build.  We have a lot of content currently included in the pom files that should not be there.  An excellent guide for what should be included are the various map files in the releng.maps repository (excluding any of the incubator maps).  A good example of things that should not be built are the various *feature.patch - those are feature patches that are done when we need to go back and fix the content of a plugin (due to either a critical bug that was found, or else adopter need).  There are also various build utilities that should not be built as part of this build.  Really, the content in those map files is the content that we need in the release build, and thus it should be the content that is built via CBI.
Second, our current build output comes in three major "flavors" - we have the downloadable zips, the downloadable repositories, and the live repositories located in directories relative to the build's main directory.  Our current PDE build generates the repositories, and then ant scripts run to do the rest.  I am assuming that if the CBI build generates the repositories, the rest can be done by modifying those scripts.  We also have output from our JUnits- I don't know if this is the proper time to begin discussing that or not.
Third, I want to save the signing stuff for last.  Until we get close to cutting over to the CBI  build for our main build, whether or not the CBI build is signed seems to be of little importance.  And since those changes might break the current build, I think it is wise to hold off until we are near the end before we tackle this issue.
We can talk more about this in today's call, if you can attend.


- Carl Anderson
WTP Build guy

          hide details for Thanh Ha ---10/31/2013 10:45:27 AM---Hi
          Everyone, This week I worked on adding signing jars to the CBThanh Ha ---10/31/2013 10:45:27 AM---Hi Everyone, This week I worked on adding signing jars to the CBI build and had a few


Thanh Ha <thanh.ha@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>


10/31/2013 10:45 AM


[wtp-releng] Jar signing and output

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Hi Everyone,

This week I worked on adding signing jars to the CBI build and had a few questions I've documented in bug 420738 [1].

Basically Tycho only supports 2 parameters from eclipse.inf files:

    - jarprocessor.exclude
   - jarprocessor.exclude.pack

If any other parameters exist Tycho will fail the build unfortunately. I've attached proposed patches to remove or modify some eclipse.inf files to satisfy this requirement on the Tycho side. This probably will cause build issues for WTP's existing build so I have not created final patches for them yet and suspect this bug will take some time for discussion first. Please comment in the bug.

Finally I was wondering what the final output of a WTP build should be?

Is it a P2 repo (I see on the downloads page [2] that there is 2 repos for wtp and wtp tests)? or is there more to it?



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