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Re: [wtp-releng] Versioning problems in WTP 3.6 builds


Please let me know when the final EclipseLink SR1 contribution has been put into the dependencies.  Use bug 416634, since this is a prereq, and it has the appropriate PMC approval.  We will respin to pick that up and the RC4 of the Platform.  This should not effect other teams smoke tests- I am assuming that the Dali team will do a quick sniff test of the final build to make sure that everything works?


- Carl Anderson
WTP programmer

Inactive hide details for Neil Hauge ---09/13/2013 03:28:31 PM---Carl, It looks like we (Dali) will need to do an SR1 respin toNeil Hauge ---09/13/2013 03:28:31 PM---Carl, It looks like we (Dali) will need to do an SR1 respin to pick up a last minute and final Eclip


Neil Hauge <neil.hauge@xxxxxxxxxx>


Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>


09/13/2013 03:28 PM


Re: [wtp-releng] Versioning problems in WTP 3.6 builds

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It looks like we (Dali) will need to do an SR1 respin to pick up a last minute and final EclipseLink SR1 build from last night. Let me know if there are any questions or concerns.


On Sep 12, 2013, at 2:50 PM, Carl Anderson <
ccc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


    I am asking people to do just the opposite of what I normally do:  Please hold off on fixing versioning problems in WTP 3.6 builds until after the 9/17/2013 build.  On that date, I plan to move the "reference version" up from WTP 3.5.0 to WTP 3.5.1.  This will surely uncover more versioning problems, and I would much rather have us fix those once, up to the right level, than fix those, and then immediately need to fix them again.  Once that change is made, I will be pressing teams to fix their versioning problems (since we will only have 9 days before our WTP 3.6 M2 build, which should not have versioning problems.)
    In conjunction with that, there are currently no plans to do a WTP 3.5.1 RC4 build- no "stop ship" bugs have been brought forth.  If, for some reason, you need to do an RC4 build (which should be the build that we release as part of Kepler SR1), please let me know ASAP.  Our RC4 contribution date is 9/17/2013.


    - Carl Anderson
    WTP Build guy

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