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[wtp-releng] When it rains, it pours. Indigo integration build testing delayed too.

In the I-builds, something is amiss with cvs tags and causes a checkout to fail, which causes the build to fail.

I reassured Tran earlier in the evening it was just a server glitch (as does happen about once a month) so that he could go ahead and get some sleep :)

But, the same error happened twice in a row, so I suspect there was a cvs error on the client end, resulting in an incomplete version tag, and there really is no "source directory" for whatever version is tagged for the build.

[build-wtp-dali-sdk] /opt/public/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.3.0-I/workdir/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.common.eclipselink.core/build.xml:120: srcdir "/opt/public/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.3.0-I/workdir/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.common.eclipselink.core/src" does not exist!

I suspect it simply needs to be checked out or sync'd with head, confirmed it really does exist and retagged. (and, maybe compare head with the version tag in map file, if curious).

But in any case, the I-build will not be ready until late Thursday or early Friday.


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