I've pulled down the latest org.eclipse.osgi and have a local patch
for the build issue. I will run some tests and if all is well I'll
check in the change. Bug 328624 is open to track the issue.
Kind regards,
On 10/24/2010 10:37 PM, David M Williams wrote:
The compile error in the latest I-build attempt
is likely caused by me updating the Eclipse Platform prereq.
I can revert that update if required; if for some
reason this can't be fixed quickly on Monday. If I don't hear
otherwise, I'll assume no revert is required and the test code
can be updated to work with latest platform.
10. ERROR: AbstractMethodMustBeImplemented
The type MockFrameworkAdaptor must implement the inherited
abstract method
FrameworkAdaptor.findEntries(List<BundleData>, String,
String, int)
MockFrameworkAdaptor.java :
31 : public class MockFrameworkAdaptor implements FrameworkAdaptor
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