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[wtp-releng] Smoke Test Request for WTP 3.1.0 S-build for RC2

Smoke Test Request for WTP 3.1.0 S-build for RC2

Please document your Project's testing and approval of our 3.1 RC2 S build,
by today, Tuesday, 2 PM (Eastern Time), or let us know if that's not possible.

There is another build running now that there is no need to wait for. It will fix a versioning issue (that I broke ... I know you'd all love hearing that!) and I'll look to pick up latest pre-reqs of emf, etc. (You can, though, find those yourself to test with).
The running build might be ready before some of you late sleepers are ready to test, but if not, no need to wait for it,

Current Build

Smoketest Results

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