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[wtp-releng] Recent JUnit failure in plugin for WTP 3.0.2 can be ignored


The latest WTP 3.0.2 build (20080918035538) is showing a JUnit failure in  The JUnits were fine in the previous build and we know there's no change in the Web services code since last Thursday.   We've downloaded this driver and was able to run through the scenarios successfully using the wizard manually and with the JUnits.  So we suspect that this is just an intermittent error with the JUnits and can be ignored.  Unfortunately, we couldn't get any additional information from the test console output page (it's empty) for that build.  We'll investigate further if the failure shows up again.


Kathy Chan
Rational Java Web Services,
IBM Toronto Lab

(905) 413-3022, tieline: 313-3022

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