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[wtp-releng] RE: [WTPBUILD: wtp-R3.1-I] wtp-R3.1-I Build Failed

It is because because of a limitation in the build scripts, that if nothing at all is produced from the build (except the command line output) then the artifacts directory is never created, so the command line output is not copied to "artifacts" directory.

If you are peeking around on the build machine though, you can find it in the "logs" directory.
For this specific case, that'd be

From: "Konstantin Komissarchik" <konstantin.komissarchik@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: wtpBuilder <david.williams@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "arvera@xxxxxxxxxx" <arvera@xxxxxxxxxx>, David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, "gkarasiu@xxxxxxxxxxx" <gkarasiu@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "katep@xxxxxxxxxx" <katep@xxxxxxxxxx>, "kathy@xxxxxxxxxx" <kathy@xxxxxxxxxx>, "kchong@xxxxxxxxxx" <kchong@xxxxxxxxxx>, "kosta@xxxxxxx" <kosta@xxxxxxx>, Nitin Dahyabhai/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, "pmoogk@xxxxxxxxxx" <pmoogk@xxxxxxxxxx>, "tran.le@xxxxxxxxxx" <tran.le@xxxxxxxxxx>, "vbaciu@xxxxxxxxxx" <vbaciu@xxxxxxxxxx>, "wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx" <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "wuamy@xxxxxxxxxx" <wuamy@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 07/30/2008 06:10 PM
Subject: RE: [WTPBUILD: wtp-R3.1-I] wtp-R3.1-I Build Failed

Does anyone know why the last two build failures do not include any artifacts (such as the command line output capture)?

Konstantin Komissarchik | Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +1 425 201 1795 | Mobile: +1 206 898 0611

Eclipse Tooling
411 108th Ave NE, Suite 2100 | Bellevue, WA 98004


From: wtpBuilder [mailto:david.williams@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:58 PM
arvera@xxxxxxxxxx; david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx; gkarasiu@xxxxxxxxxxx; katep@xxxxxxxxxx; kathy@xxxxxxxxxx; kchong@xxxxxxxxxx; kosta@xxxxxxx; nitind@xxxxxxxxxx; pmoogk@xxxxxxxxxx; tran.le@xxxxxxxxxx; vbaciu@xxxxxxxxxx; wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx; wuamy@xxxxxxxxxx
[WTPBUILD: wtp-R3.1-I] wtp-R3.1-I Build Failed

View results here ->

Ant Error Message: /shared/webtools/releng.control/cc_project_build.xml:55: The following error occurred while executing this line: /shared/webtools/releng.control/cc_project_build.xml:86: The following error occurred while executing this line: /shared/webtools/releng.control/cc_project_build.xml:109: The following error occurred while executing this line: /shared/webtools/projectBuilders/wtp-R3.1-I/webtools.releng/releng.wtpbuilder/build.xml:50: The following error occurred while executing this line: /shared/webtools/projectBuilders/wtp-R3.1-I/webtools.releng/releng.wtpbuilder/distribution/ The following error occurred while executing this line: /shared/webtools/projectBuilders/wtp-R3.1-I/webtools.releng/releng.wtpbuilder/scripts/build/runbuild.xml:81: The following error occurred while executing this line: /shared/webtools/projectBuilders/wtp-R3.1-I/webtools.releng/releng.wtpbuilder/scripts/build/runbuild.xml:368: Java returned: 13
Date of build: 2008-07-30 21:57 (GMT)
Time to build: 1 minute 7 seconds
Last changed: 07/30/2008 21:03:33
Last log entry: [242611] Runtime defaulting fix.

 Errors/Warnings: (17)
checkout.builder.clean: true

Version tag for webtools.maps/releng: HEAD

Version tag for webtools.releng/releng.wtpbuilder is: v200807291725

cctimestamp: 20080730215710

datetime: 200807302157

timestamp: 20080730215710

basebuilderlocal: true

wtpBuilderPresent: true




/shared/webtools/projectBuilders/wtp-R3.1-I/webtools.releng/releng.wtpbuilder/scripts/build/runbuild.xml:130: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/shared/webtools/basebuilders/RC2_34/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_3.4.0.v20080522/scripts/build.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/shared/webtools/basebuilders/RC2_34/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_3.4.0.v20080522/scripts/build.xml:51: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/shared/webtools/projectBuilders/wtp-R3.1-I/webtools.releng/releng.wtpbuilder/components/wst/customTargets.xml:59: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/opt/public/webtools/basebuilders/RC2_34/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_3.4.0.v20080522/scripts/genericTargets.xml:44: Missing feature org.eclipse.wst.common.fproj. It does not appear in the map file nor in the base location.

Total time: 52 seconds

 Unit Tests: (0)
No Tests Run
This project doesn't have any tests

 Modifications since last successful build:  (94)
modified pmoogk /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/30/2008 21:03:33 [242611] Runtime defaulting fix.
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/30/2008 20:54:27 [242588] modify project compliance setting link is hidden in new wsdl wizard
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/30/2008 19:30:38 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/30/2008 19:30:38 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/30/2008 19:30:37 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified pmoogk /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/30/2008 19:00:58 [242091][241275] Explorer fix and Webservice wizard validation fix.
modified pmoogk /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/30/2008 19:00:58 [242091][241275] Explorer fix and Webservice wizard validation fix.
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/30/2008 18:47:16 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/30/2008 18:06:49 v200807300001 - Disabled the EclipseLink tests
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/30/2008 17:22:41 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/30/2008 16:57:54 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/30/2008 16:07:15 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/30/2008 14:37:13 [242393] Long configuration descriptions can be truncated on first page
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/30/2008 04:20:56 v200807300000 - Fix for : 242321
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/30/2008 04:20:56 v200807300000 - Fix for : 242321
modified david_williams /webtools.maps/releng/maps/build.cfg 07/29/2008 17:28:25 increase polling loop
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/29/2008 15:27:07 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng/maps/build.cfg 07/29/2008 06:32:33 Added a test target to run EclipseLink JUnit tests suite
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/29/2008 01:46:29 v200807280000 - Fix for: 232403, 230036
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/28/2008 21:30:33 [241894] The WSDL editor should clean-up unused schema and WSDL directives
modified kchong /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/28/2008 21:26:06 [241263] The XSD editor should clean-up unused directives. Fix case mismatch for linux.
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/28/2008 17:49:45 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/28/2008 17:49:45 [200247] Create separate build/distributions for the Fraceted Project Framework
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/28/2008 15:43:39 [241894] The WSDL editor should clean-up unused schema and WSDL directives
modified kchong /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/28/2008 15:40:05 [241263] The XSD editor should clean-up unused directives. Add test.xml.
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/24/2008 20:01:55 [116469] [UI] Java facet needs install page for source and output dir config
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/24/2008 02:38:00 v200807230000 - Fix for: 236743
modified vbaciu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/24/2008 02:19:42 [241903] org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation dependency on org.apache.ant should not be required
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/23/2008 22:24:37 [241894] The WSDL editor should clean-up unused schema and WSDL directives
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/23/2008 22:24:37 [241894] The WSDL editor should clean-up unused schema and WSDL directives
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/23/2008 22:23:20 [241894] The WSDL editor should clean-up unused schema and WSDL directives
modified kchong /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/23/2008 22:15:19 [241893] The XSD editor should clean-up unused directives. For HEAD/3.1
modified kchong /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/23/2008 22:15:19 [241893] The XSD editor should clean-up unused directives. For HEAD/3.1
modified kchong /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/23/2008 22:15:19 [241893] The XSD editor should clean-up unused directives. For HEAD/3.1
modified kprice /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/23/2008 20:19:32 [240747][240748][240927][240929][240936][240957][240959][240960][240961][240963] Fixing broken hyperlinks in documentation
modified kprice /webtools.maps/releng.jeetools/maps/ 07/23/2008 20:19:02 [240747][240748][240927][240929][240936][240957][240959][240960][240961][240963] Fixing broken hyperlinks in documentation
modified kprice /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/23/2008 20:18:04 [240747][240748][240927][240929][240936][240957][240959][240960][240961][240963] Fixing broken hyperlinks in documentation
modified kchan /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/23/2008 20:05:45 Synchronize with R3_0_maintenance.
modified kchan /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/23/2008 20:05:44 Synchronize with R3_0_maintenance.
modified kchan /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/23/2008 20:05:44 Synchronize with R3_0_maintenance.
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/23/2008 18:30:58 Reversing a Linux-specific fix that broke WinXP.
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/23/2008 17:55:33 [241733] Project Facet version in dropDown shows invalid content.
modified pmoogk /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/23/2008 17:13:38 [238629][238456] Make ant an optional plugin dependency.
modified pmoogk /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/23/2008 17:13:34 [238629][238456] Make ant an optional plugin dependency.
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/23/2008 16:52:51 [241319] The dialog of "Binding Wizard" is too small to show all elements
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/23/2008 04:48:58 Improved the way facet owners are recorded on classpath entries. There will now be one fewer file in the .settings directory. Legacy metadata is read and converted on first change.
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/23/2008 00:04:13 v200807220000 - Fix for: 241615, 230038, 240340, 240605, 228781, 228783
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/23/2008 00:04:13 v200807220000 - Fix for: 241615, 230038, 240340, 240605, 228781, 228783
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/22/2008 19:55:17 [241729] Facets: furtherconfigrequired not disabling the apply button
modified kchong /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/22/2008 15:25:18 [221421] NPE when trying to open remote file in new editor in linux
modified david_williams /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/22/2008 07:43:16 extraneious source for resource-only bundles
modified david_williams /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/22/2008 07:39:58 219949 unnecessary network access fetching loose.dtd?
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/22/2008 03:38:29 v200807210000 - Fix for: 232881, 231880, 239788, 240172, 240945, 239896, 236680, 235384, 236730, 232336, 231643
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/21/2008 22:53:51 [221186] Enable batching of validateEdit requests during facet action sequences
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/21/2008 22:52:24 [221186] Enable batching of validateEdit requests during facet action sequences
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/21/2008 17:54:17 [241295] IllegalStateException on facet selection
modified gkarasiu /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/21/2008 14:52:55 [224484] - validator is called even if facet is not enabled - using enablement element
modified gkarasiu /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/21/2008 14:52:55 [224484] - validator is called even if facet is not enabled - using enablement element
modified gkarasiu /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/21/2008 14:45:22 [241527] - Intermittent validation error encountered when publishing free form projects
modified gkarasiu /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/21/2008 14:36:19 [241396] - Manual Validation not cleaning up; leading to file locks
modified gkarasiu /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/21/2008 10:28:47 [236656] - Classes missing copyright
modified gkarasiu /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/21/2008 10:20:29 [235695] - extension point definitions should specify "translatable"
modified pmoogk /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/18/2008 17:22:42 [240956] Added book.css and schema.css to doc plugins.
modified pmoogk /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/18/2008 17:21:31 [240956] Added book.css and schema.css to doc plugins.
modified nitind /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/17/2008 07:46:49 [105866] Incorrect "Missing Closing Quote" syntax check
[197220] JSP editor shows error for missing required attributes when attributes specified via <jsp:attribute>
[200576] Formatting of HTML breaks _expression_ language in attributes "style"
[220516] CA: in <style></style> tags content assist doesn't replace highlighted text
[221504] CSSModelImpl provides the WRONG ICSSSelectorList
[228495] XML formatter removes empty lines
[230290] java.lang.Error: Error: could not match input
[237467] Edit Model throws exception when closing unsaved file
[237474] Race condition in HTML Validation with project-specific settings
[238160] Not finding adapter after target object removed
[239086] [Cleanup Action] fix HTMLCleanupHandlerFactory (for non-HTML contents)
[239415] Could not open the editor: Argument not valid when opening a JSP
modified nitind /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/17/2008 07:46:49 [105866] Incorrect "Missing Closing Quote" syntax check
[197220] JSP editor shows error for missing required attributes when attributes specified via <jsp:attribute>
[200576] Formatting of HTML breaks _expression_ language in attributes "style"
[220516] CA: in <style></style> tags content assist doesn't replace highlighted text
[221504] CSSModelImpl provides the WRONG ICSSSelectorList
[228495] XML formatter removes empty lines
[230290] java.lang.Error: Error: could not match input
[237467] Edit Model throws exception when closing unsaved file
[237474] Race condition in HTML Validation with project-specific settings
[238160] Not finding adapter after target object removed
[239086] [Cleanup Action] fix HTMLCleanupHandlerFactory (for non-HTML contents)
[239415] Could not open the editor: Argument not valid when opening a JSP
modified nitind /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/17/2008 07:46:49 [105866] Incorrect "Missing Closing Quote" syntax check
[197220] JSP editor shows error for missing required attributes when attributes specified via <jsp:attribute>
[200576] Formatting of HTML breaks _expression_ language in attributes "style"
[220516] CA: in <style></style> tags content assist doesn't replace highlighted text
[221504] CSSModelImpl provides the WRONG ICSSSelectorList
[228495] XML formatter removes empty lines
[230290] java.lang.Error: Error: could not match input
[237467] Edit Model throws exception when closing unsaved file
[237474] Race condition in HTML Validation with project-specific settings
[238160] Not finding adapter after target object removed
[239086] [Cleanup Action] fix HTMLCleanupHandlerFactory (for non-HTML contents)
[239415] Could not open the editor: Argument not valid when opening a JSP
modified nitind /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/17/2008 07:46:49 [105866] Incorrect "Missing Closing Quote" syntax check
[197220] JSP editor shows error for missing required attributes when attributes specified via <jsp:attribute>
[200576] Formatting of HTML breaks _expression_ language in attributes "style"
[220516] CA: in <style></style> tags content assist doesn't replace highlighted text
[221504] CSSModelImpl provides the WRONG ICSSSelectorList
[228495] XML formatter removes empty lines
[230290] java.lang.Error: Error: could not match input
[237467] Edit Model throws exception when closing unsaved file
[237474] Race condition in HTML Validation with project-specific settings
[238160] Not finding adapter after target object removed
[239086] [Cleanup Action] fix HTMLCleanupHandlerFactory (for non-HTML contents)
[239415] Could not open the editor: Argument not valid when opening a JSP
modified nitind /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/17/2008 07:46:49 [105866] Incorrect "Missing Closing Quote" syntax check
[197220] JSP editor shows error for missing required attributes when attributes specified via <jsp:attribute>
[200576] Formatting of HTML breaks _expression_ language in attributes "style"
[220516] CA: in <style></style> tags content assist doesn't replace highlighted text
[221504] CSSModelImpl provides the WRONG ICSSSelectorList
[228495] XML formatter removes empty lines
[230290] java.lang.Error: Error: could not match input
[237467] Edit Model throws exception when closing unsaved file
[237474] Race condition in HTML Validation with project-specific settings
[238160] Not finding adapter after target object removed
[239086] [Cleanup Action] fix HTMLCleanupHandlerFactory (for non-HTML contents)
[239415] Could not open the editor: Argument not valid when opening a JSP
modified nitind /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/17/2008 07:46:49 [105866] Incorrect "Missing Closing Quote" syntax check
[197220] JSP editor shows error for missing required attributes when attributes specified via <jsp:attribute>
[200576] Formatting of HTML breaks _expression_ language in attributes "style"
[220516] CA: in <style></style> tags content assist doesn't replace highlighted text
[221504] CSSModelImpl provides the WRONG ICSSSelectorList
[228495] XML formatter removes empty lines
[230290] java.lang.Error: Error: could not match input
[237467] Edit Model throws exception when closing unsaved file
[237474] Race condition in HTML Validation with project-specific settings
[238160] Not finding adapter after target object removed
[239086] [Cleanup Action] fix HTMLCleanupHandlerFactory (for non-HTML contents)
[239415] Could not open the editor: Argument not valid when opening a JSP
modified nitind /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/17/2008 07:46:49 [105866] Incorrect "Missing Closing Quote" syntax check
[197220] JSP editor shows error for missing required attributes when attributes specified via <jsp:attribute>
[200576] Formatting of HTML breaks _expression_ language in attributes "style"
[220516] CA: in <style></style> tags content assist doesn't replace highlighted text
[221504] CSSModelImpl provides the WRONG ICSSSelectorList
[228495] XML formatter removes empty lines
[230290] java.lang.Error: Error: could not match input
[237467] Edit Model throws exception when closing unsaved file
[237474] Race condition in HTML Validation with project-specific settings
[238160] Not finding adapter after target object removed
[239086] [Cleanup Action] fix HTMLCleanupHandlerFactory (for non-HTML contents)
[239415] Could not open the editor: Argument not valid when opening a JSP
modified nitind /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/17/2008 07:46:49 [105866] Incorrect "Missing Closing Quote" syntax check
[197220] JSP editor shows error for missing required attributes when attributes specified via <jsp:attribute>
[200576] Formatting of HTML breaks _expression_ language in attributes "style"
[220516] CA: in <style></style> tags content assist doesn't replace highlighted text
[221504] CSSModelImpl provides the WRONG ICSSSelectorList
[228495] XML formatter removes empty lines
[230290] java.lang.Error: Error: could not match input
[237467] Edit Model throws exception when closing unsaved file
[237474] Race condition in HTML Validation with project-specific settings
[238160] Not finding adapter after target object removed
[239086] [Cleanup Action] fix HTMLCleanupHandlerFactory (for non-HTML contents)
[239415] Could not open the editor: Argument not valid when opening a JSP
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/17/2008 05:55:49 [229199] editor marked dirty when edit part type but make no real change
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/17/2008 05:42:30 [213471] Renaming of a port type affects all port types with the same name
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/17/2008 05:41:15 [235677] enable printing of design view
[237209] Built wsdl.ui bundle doesn't include extension point schemas
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/17/2008 05:41:14 [235677] enable printing of design view
[237209] Built wsdl.ui bundle doesn't include extension point schemas
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/17/2008 03:24:26 v200807160000
modified tle /webtools.maps/releng.dali/maps/ 07/17/2008 03:24:26 v200807160000
modified kchan /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/17/2008 00:03:36 [238624][239457][240225]
modified kchan /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/17/2008 00:03:36 [238624][239457][240225]
modified kchan /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/17/2008 00:03:36 [238624][239457][240225]
modified kchan /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/17/2008 00:03:36 [238624][239457][240225]
modified kchan /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/17/2008 00:01:39 [200069][237363]
modified kchan /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/17/2008 00:01:19 [238059]
modified pmoogk /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/16/2008 15:52:15 [240408] A fix for case sensitive existence checking.
modified kkomissarchik /webtools.maps/releng.common/maps/ 07/15/2008 23:29:05 [240857] Deadlock creating ejb project
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.webservices/maps/ 07/09/2008 21:57:25 [240202] wsdl wizard should use protocol name, not label when generating port & binding name
modified amywu /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/09/2008 21:56:29 [232831] ContentDescriptors causes massive logging of errors in case of out of date resource clicked
modified david_williams /webtools.maps/releng/maps/build.cfg 07/09/2008 06:57:51 correct archive names to match download pages
modified david_williams /webtools.maps/releng/maps/build.cfg 07/09/2008 06:44:38 correct archive names to match download pages
modified vbaciu /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/08/2008 17:31:35 [240025] [templates] The body of the xsinsp template is incorrect
modified david_williams /webtools.maps/releng/maps/build.cfg 07/08/2008 02:11:41 prep for patch builds - now uploaded with promote script
modified avera /webtools.maps/releng.servertools/maps/ 07/07/2008 17:37:04 [239632] Compile error in server.ui test bundle
modified david_williams /webtools.maps/releng.sourceediting/maps/ 07/07/2008 04:00:52 236010 Attributes from different namespace not handled correctly

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