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[wtp-releng] Status of RC2 builds and schedule

I've been told it's not obvious, but yes, it is ok to check in your approved changes for RC2 now. (there is, or was, no reason for a re-build after all). [not to mention I discovered there had already been enough changes we would have had to have a branched build anyway].

So ... with that ... and other confusing factors this week ... I suggest we modify our schedule by "half a day" or so, as follows, since our schedule originally called for all RC2 code to be in by last night: (and, if any part of this does not make sense to you, or if you need other adjustments, just ask and we'll come up with something that does make sense for you (and your time zone :).

Let's get all approved RC2 code in by noon today (Eastern).
Build would then be ready by around 5 PM this evening (Eastern).
Smoke test, when asked, what ever build is ready then.
We'll continue to re-build as pre-reqs finish up.  
While we don't need to officially track more than one smoke test, per week, per team,
as we've seen, it's a good idea to sanity check every build!

We will still try and have an "internally declared" RC2 build on Friday, with official declaration next Tuesday.

Hope this makes sense, if not, let's discuss.
And, keep us all informed via this list if you need some other build, or urgent bug fixed.


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