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[wtp-releng] Fw: [wtp-R3.0-I] wtp-R3.0-I build.57 Build Successful ... but

Raghu, this build was kicked off by you late Saturday, by releasing some new code for the new design test plugin ... after I had removed that suite from the master list.

In other words, your release was not to fix a problem we were waiting for (to declare) and it had no effect (since that test isn't ran any longer) except to cause another build to be done and all the other tests to be re-ran ... .all of which caused me extra work.

Since I had already said which was our final build, (pending smoke tests), it is confusing to then have another one listed there ... someone has to figure our why (which I did this time) ... since, maybe someone did fix a blocking bug (which is the normal case, when this happens) ... and if it is not needed to fix a blocking bug, then it should be removed to avoid confusion  (which I did this time, too).  In the past, I haven't minded doing some of this routine "build herding" because it didn't take much time, and was a good way to stay in touch with all the teams work. But, lately it has been nearly all day, every day ... which is unacceptable and a waste of my time.

So, I hope there wasn't a simple miscommunication, but I fear the procedure still is not clear after all this time: No one should release anything, while we are waiting for a build to be declared, unless it is to fix a blocking problem. (While I don't recommend it, you can commit code to head, if you'd like, just don't release it).

If this build and junit situation doesn't improve soon, I think it might be a good practice to rotate the weekly responsibility between the project leads ... perhaps that will raise appreciation for how important it is to get things correct. before you put in a build (and, how hard it is to get the rest of the project leads to comply or respond in a timely manner).

And, for those of you who are always on time, and seldom cause build problems, your efforts are appreciated and do not go unnoticed.

Constructive suggestions for how to improve our process are welcome.

----- Forwarded by David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM on 01/27/2008 02:33 AM -----
From: David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
To: David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, raghunathan.srinivasan@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: 01/27/2008 12:08 AM
Subject: [wtp-R3.0-I] wtp-R3.0-I build.57 Build Successful

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