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RE: [wtp-releng] How do I run wtp-Automated-Tests locally?

Seeing "${env.BUILD_HOME}" in your output tells me there's some more environment variables you should set.

You may want to check out the releng.control project so see some the script files we use. Even if on windows,
you'd want to look at the sh files, as the bat file is likely completely out of date. The file in there That contains many
required environment variables is in commonVariations.shource, though more are computed in commonComputedVariables.shsource.

Have you seen WTP Build Process and Procedures?
While details are dated, some documents in there you might find interesting.

But, back to your original question, Seeing things like
in your output is usually a sign that CVS access is not possible from your machine, and the critical file
did not even get checked out (hence, "dtp.file" is not "resolved" to a real value).

There's likely some output further up in your output/log files that flags some cvs problem.

So ... I can't recall common reasons why CVS access doesn't work, but it might be that you have never
used cvs to access eclipse webtools from that machine, so no .cvspass file exists?
You can try something like the following, from the command line, to see if it works, if it prompts for "password" (even though there isn't one for anonymous),
and if it creates/adds to your .cvspass file, then that's probably all you have to do.
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/cvsroot/webtools  export  -r HEAD releng.control

During builds, I've seen CVS access be problematic if I forget to specify
set/export CVS_RSH=SSH
but, don't think that's a factor for just checking out releng.

BTW, don't forget to take good notes, so you can improve our writeups and/or scripts once you get things working :)

"James Song" <jsong@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/07/2007 10:30 PM

Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Webtools releng discussion list" <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [wtp-releng] How do I run wtp-Automated-Tests locally?

I tried the following:
ant -Dbuild.home=D:/releng -DbuildType=M -DbuildId=1.5.1 -Dtimestamp
=200707261031 -Dbaseos=win32 -Dbasews=win32 -Dbasearch=x86 -
DbuildBranch=R1.5 -Djava15-home=D:/p4/dev/src_bison/build/jdk1.5.0_06 -f D:/rele
And I see the following error:

     [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\releng\releng.wtpbuilder\distribution\wtp.tests
     [echo] Creating dependency script: ${env.BUILD_HOME}/build-wtp-R1.5-M/workd
     [echo] Getting ${dtp.file}
     [echo] Url: ${dtp.url}


D:\releng\releng.wtpbuilder\scripts\dependency\build.xml:66: The following error
 occurred while executing this line:
RLException: no protocol: ${dtp.url}/${dtp.file}
How shall I set ${dtp.url} and ${dtp.file} to get the download succeed?
Thanks again!

From: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John Lanuti
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:45 PM
Webtools releng discussion list
Re: [wtp-releng] How do I run wtp-Automated-Tests locally?


You should be able to run the WTP standalone tests by executing our ANT task with something like this:

ant -Dbuild.home=D:/releng -DbuildType=M -DbuildId=1.5.1
-Dtimestamp=200608110237 -Dbaseos=win32 -Dbasews=win32 -Dbasearch=x86 -DbuildBranch=R1.5 -Djava15-home="c:/Program
Files/Java/jdk1.5.0_06" -DcvsServer=sofs00001453a
-f D:/releng/releng.wtpbuilder/distribution/wtp.tests/standaloneTest.xml

Hope that helps,

John Lanuti
IBM Web Tools Platform Technical Lead, IBM Rational
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
t/l 441-7861

"James Song" <jsong@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/07/2007 12:59 AM

Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[wtp-releng] How do I run wtp-Automated-Tests locally?




I’m James Song, a QA engineer of BEA’s WTP team.

I’m interested in running wtp-Automated-Tests (The Automated Test zip contains the unite tests) locally against the corresponding wtp build. Eventually I'd like to run these tests on jrockit and find out the compatibility of jrockit and wtp.

I tried by cloning the steps described in , but I'm not sure how wtp-Automated-Tests and platform-Automated-Tests fit together.
Where can I find some instructions on running wtp-Automated-Tests locally?



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