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Re: [wtp-releng] Orbit bundles: Same name, different sizes..

The larger ones are from the platform and are signed. (you can see the "checksums" in the file).

> its going to be difficult to verify our feature if each of the dependent projects install different jars but with the same name.

If you mean "verify the right jars are installed", based on file size, then yes, we have to trust everyone is doing the
right thing with the bundle versions and qualifiers, and the same version and qualifier implies the exact same executable code.

"Signing" should not effect executable code, per se, but
can have performance implications.
And while we can improve this in the future, once we all sign, I think has the potential to
always be different sizes, since in theory it could be signed a different number of times.
There might be some programmatic way to verify same bits, that takes
signing into account.  

This signed-jar case poses some extra problems ... if someone is just using zips, then there is
the potential an unsigned jar could overlay a signed jar (or vice versa) which some users might not like.

I suspect this won't be the last time this issue of file size surfaces so glad you've made us aware
of it first.

"raghunathan srinivasan" <raghunathan.srinivasan@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/22/2007 06:25 PM

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[wtp-releng] Orbit bundles: Same name, different sizes..

JSF Web Page Editor Preview functionality works correctly with Eclipse I20070621-1340 and WTP S-2.0RC4-200706212235 (and prereqs).
The following files installed by Eclipse and WTP have the same file name but have different sizes.  Shouldn’t we be shipping the same bits?
javax.servlet.jsp_2.0.0.v200706191603.jar – 62 KB (Eclipse install), 56KB (WTP install)
javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200706111738.jar – 106 KB (Eclipse install),  99 KB (WTP install)
org.apache.commons.el_1.0.0.v200706111724.jar – 125 KB (Eclipse install), 118 KB (WTP install)
We have verified that our preview feature works when there are one set of files instead of 2 copies, but its going to be difficult to verify our feature if each of the dependent projects install different jars but with the same name.
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