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[wtp-releng] status of I-build (breaks) .... JSF and Axis

I may not be obvious, but several of the last couple of builds has been missing a JSF test plugin.

"Unable to find plug-in: org.eclipse.jst.jsf.designtime.tests_0.0.0."

Which is caused by either that one plugin not being tagged/released correctly, or, something it depends on not being present?
(I think the former)

Some of the other testing (and build) problems is due to moving to use more bundles from orbit.
The org.apache.wsil4j plugin was not being packaged up with the others.
I think the org.apache.wsil4j will be packaged correctly with the next build,

But, if you need one right now, you can get the jar directly from
and simply put in your plugins directory.


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