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Re: [wtp-releng] Orbitizing some WS bundles

there were a couple reasons why we did not attempt to jar up the plugins containing third-party jars. I'm fairly sure the first of these was valid once upon a time (at least pre-OSGi). Maybe it isn't a concern any more.
1. Resources from a jar (eg. "axis.jar") within a jarred plugin (eg. "org.apache.axis_1.3.0.v200608161946.jar") were not loadable by the plugin class loader.
2. Some of the third party jars, in addition to forming part of the plugin runtime, are also copied as-is into projects in the workspace (eg. "axis.jar").

If #1 is no longer the case, then jarred plugins may be OK, though we may need to change the code where we copy our third party jars.

Cheers - CB.

Chris Brealey
Senior Advisory Technical Manager, Rational Java Web Services, IBM Canada Ltd.
D3-275, D3/ENX/8200/MKM, 8200 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario, Canada, L6G 1C7
cbrealey@xxxxxxxxxx, 905.413.6038, tieline:969.6038, fax:905.413.4920

David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/26/2007 01:41 AM

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[wtp-releng] Orbitizing some WS bundles

One thing I'll be doing this week is putting some of our WS third party jars in Orbit.

It appears we have never "jarred" these bundles? Does anyone know why?
Is there a known reason we can not?

Unless I hear otherwise, I do plan to (leave) them jarred up, so let me know
if that's not a good idea (and ... test well, once in builds).







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