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[wtp-releng] Status of JUnit tests (and framework)

Those that work closely with me will be glad to hear the
test framework is now working well enough that I stopped
to take a shower and shave :)

But, seriously, it is working fairly well.
Here's some nitty gritty in bug reports ... I'm not sure if the
two platform bugs will turn out to be bugs, or intentional features.

Part of the outcome of this churn is that I think we will be better off
having our own lightweight framework, instead of trying to fit in
to someone else. I'm not sure we gain enough re-use to make it
worthwhile. We will continue to re-use some of it ... the core Eclipse
applications ... but the ant scripts can be greatly simplified.

In the latest build, I did see 4 "did not finish" tests:


I'll retry upping the time out to 30 minutes (instead of 10),  but the
AllWSJUnitTests I think is a "real" problem that existed before.
I'm not sure about the others (but, will be looking to reduce the
default time limit back to 10 minutes ... unless many think it
should be higher.

What remains? Still lots of cleanup, in code and web pages,
some of which will involve cleanup to each test.xml file ...
if we (or, I) get real ambitious.

Here are a couple items your team should do:

        Check if actual results match what you expect, in terms of number of tests, etc?

        Especially you that use "extraVMargs" please check those extra VM args seem to
        have the desired effect.

        We used to "group" by plugin, but now leave collected per test suite. Are they all showing up?
        Is there a need to do "per bundle"?

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