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Re: [wtp-releng] Reminder - Smoke Test Tonight's 1.5.3 and 2.0 Builds -- When it rains, it pours ....


I understand the argument for making our tests more reliable and for running them without an internet connection, although, like you said, for a build I think most people will require an internet connection for CVS access. One way to mitigate this concern is to provide instructions for running a build without an internet connection. These instructions would include a method to add the J2EE schemas to WTP manually.

Assuming we made the change to use a local version of the schema as suggested our test would pass (good to have all green?) but we may not have noticed that this schema had been removed (bad!). I think the test is performing correctly and as I intended. It has alerted us to a problem with WTP (yes, I think we have a problem because this required resource is no longer available) that we may not have noticed otherwise.

Lawrence Mandel

Software Developer
IBM Rational Software
Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 - 413 - 4920

Craig Salter/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

01/25/2007 02:42 PM

Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [wtp-releng] Reminder - Smoke Test Tonight's        1.5.3        and        2.0        Builds        -- When it rains, it pours ....


Perhaps we could change this JUnit test to utilize an XML Schema that lives
on one of our local servers that we've hand authored (to avoid any silly
legal issues)?  That way we'd still get the benefit of testing.  Also, I
think David W's comment about making our JUnits runnable locally without
needing access is interesting.  I can imagine having an option to turn off
particular JUnits that will on work with internet access.  In general
though I'd have to assume that most developers who are able to connect to
CVS and work with our JUnits will have a good reliable internet connection.



Craig Salter
Rational Studio XML Web Services
Internal Mail: D3/RY6/8200 /MKM
Phone: (905) 413-3918  TL: 969-3918 FAX: (905) 413-4920
Internet: csalter@xxxxxxxxxx     Notes: Craig Salter/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA

            M@IBMCA                                                    To
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            wtp-releng-bounce         <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>            
            s@xxxxxxxxxxx                                              cc
            25/01/2007 02:10          Re: [wtp-releng] Reminder - Smoke  
            PM                        Test Tonight's 1.5.3    and   2.0  
                                      Builds      -- When it rains, it    
                                      pours ....                          
            Please respond to                                            
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             discussion list                                              

I've got to voice my disapproval of commenting out this failing test. The
failing XML validation test showcases a common WTP end user scenario that
is currently broken. The schema is missing. This means one of our
assumptions, that we will be able to retrieve this schema remotely and
cache it, is no longer valid. We need to come up with a solution for this
problem not simply hide it and throw our hands up in the air. It's not the
test that isn't robust, it's the WTP usage scenario that isn't robust.

As I commented in my previous post [1], one solution is to create a URI
resolver that maps the missing schema location to the location on Sun's

I suggest this test is re-enabled and shows as failing until a proper
solution is found.


Lawrence Mandel

Software Developer
IBM Rational Software
Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 - 413 - 4920

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01/25/2007 01:07 PM             Re: [wtp-releng] Reminder - Smoke Test    
                                Tonight's 1.5.3 and        2.0            
                                Builds        -- When it rains, it pours  
    Please respond to           ....                                      
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     discussion list                                                      

I'm sending this on behalf of David Lauzon who investigated the XML
validation unit test failure.

The xml.validation JUnit test failure in WTP 1.5.3 and WTP 2.0 has been
addressed in both streams. See Bugzilla 171710
The problem is minor and related to a missing XML Schema on the web.
For now I have commented out the test until the matter has been fully
resolved. Further when re-enabling this test we should make the test more

From:  Chuck Bridgham <cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx>                              
To:    Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>          
Cc:    Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>,          
Date:  01/25/2007 10:43 AM                                                
Subjec Re: [wtp-releng] Reminder - Smoke Test Tonight's 1.5.3 and 2.0    
t:     Builds        -- When it rains, it pours ....                      

As Lawrence has indicated all of our j2ee.core tests are failing due to the
missing xsd. - We are trying to decide our best course of action here....

Our other one failure is due to us adding a bunch of new tests this week,
and we are currenty investigating.

Thanks - Chuck

Rational Java Enterprise Tooling Team Lead
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
Email:  cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 919-254-1848 (T/L: 444)
David M                                                                  
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wtp-releng-bounces@eclips         Webtools releng discussion list                             <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>                
01/25/2007 04:15 AM                                               Subject
                                  Re: [wtp-releng] Reminder - Smoke Test  
                                  Tonight's 1.5.3 and 2.0 Builds          
    Please respond to             -- When it rains, it pours ....        
     Webtools releng                                                      
     discussion list                                                      

With today's "emergency maintenance" at, something's changed
with the intra-cluster communication so our build machine can not pull code
from CVS.
Since I was on the road, I didn't find out till late, so while I've now
sent mail to the webmasters, we won't know what's up till morning, so I'd
guess the builds won't be
ready till noon or so. Either myself or John will send a notice here when a
build is done that we feel justifies testing ... and that won't be one with
so many JUnit failures!
What's happened? Please post here the bug numbers that describe the test
failures and what the reason was, and what the cure was.

Oh and sure ... just because _one_ of those JUnit failures has been my
fault, that is no reason to let yours linger :)


John Lanuti/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS                                            
Sent by:                                                                  
01/24/2007 04:22 PM                                                    cc
        Please respond to                  [wtp-releng] Reminder - Smoke  
 Webtools releng discussion list           Test Tonight's 1.5.3 and 2.0  
    <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>               Builds                        

Reminder, smoke test tonight's 1.5.3 build and report results at:

Reminder, smoke test tonight's 2.0 build and report results at:

Attention, Failing JUnits

There are 12 failing JUnits for WTP 2.0 and 8 for WTP 1.5.3.  Please take a
look at these tests:

WTP 1.5.3

j2ee.core, j2ee, xml.validation, and releng test

WTP 2.0

j2ee.core, wst.wsi, xml.vaidation

Please try and get these cleaned up before tonight.


John Lanuti
IBM Web Tools Platform Technical Lead, IBM Rational
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
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