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[wtp-releng] J2EE Team M4 smoke tests failed - please read...

The problem we found earlier today with EJB validation causing endless loops with JEM Java reflection turns out to be worse than first anticipated.

The larger the workspace (More EJB Projects), the more likely out of memory problems will occur because of the constant stream of StackOverflowErrors.

I have opened:

I have also submitted patches - Resubmitting patches for JEM.

Turns out a last minute fix by EMF ended up causing this regression because JEM (and J2EE) extend the ecore model in a few cases.  The EMF defect in question is:

With my new patches applied, all of my tests pass, so I will wait to here feedback from David on our best course of action...

Thanks - Chuck

Rational J2EE Tooling Team Lead
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
Email:  cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 919-254-1848 (T/L: 444)

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