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[wtp-releng] Fw: [wtp-R2.0-I-build] wtp-R2.0-I Build Failed -- please fix org.eclipse.wst.validation.infopop

Same as before ... constraints are broken.

Each team really needs to clean this sort of thing up.
Let me know if you need help.
P.S. Tthere will be others with similar problems, unless their owners are proactive and target a 3.3 M2 build to find errors.

(Oh, and thanks Kathy for fixing earlier env.ui problem ... this is just next in the chain ... .

----- Forwarded by David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM on 09/29/2006 03:40 PM -----

09/29/2006 03:37 PM

cbrealey@xxxxxxxxxx, csalter@xxxxxxxxxx, David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, Der Ping Chou/Redmond/IBM@IBMUS, kchan@xxxxxxxxxxx, kkomissarchik@xxxxxxxxxxx, kprice@xxxxxxxxxxx, Nitin Dahyabhai/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
[wtp-R2.0-I-build] wtp-R2.0-I Build Failed

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