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RE: [wtp-releng] Build Breaker 3

Hi David,


I have fixed the issue and released the changes. I have verified using the steps you have outlined. Thanks for your help.


From: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:31 PM
To: wtp-releng
Subject: RE: [wtp-releng] Build Breaker 3


> Is there a way I can do a dry run of the build?

The best way (IMHO) is in your workspace. Here's what I do, to see the JSF related problems, but, I'm sure, there are many variations to do similar "local tests".

Delete all existing JSF projects from my workspace, except for releng-jsf.
sync releng-jsf to be sure I have the current head version.
Select each (of the four) map files, and issue a Team, Load Map Projects command (you need "the release tool" in your dev. env. to see that menu action).

At this point, you'll note that there's errors that
can not be found (depending on your settings, you may have to change error/warning/ignore level of PDE build problems involving missing plugins and features).

is not in a map file, so is not used in the batch build. (It is probably in your workspace, which is why you didn't see this error).

At this point, I did a "clean", and a number of other errors showed up ... I think maybe either there are some other plugins that
require the
plugin, or ... worse, there are package.classes with identical names from different plugins?

I'll let you work on that for a while, but if further questions, feel free to ask.
(I must admit, this has been the toughest you've asked all week ... I really had to look hard :)

"raghunathan srinivasan" <raghunathan.srinivasan@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/16/2006 08:27 PM

Please respond to
"raghunathan.srinivasan@xxxxxxxxxx" <raghunathan.srinivasan@xxxxxxxxxx>; Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>


"Webtools releng discussion list" <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>, David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS




RE: [wtp-releng] Build Breaker 3




I have re-released the head releng map. Please let me know if the issue persists. Is there a way I can do a dry run of the build?


From: raghunathan srinivasan [mailto:raghunathan.srinivasan@xxxxxxxxxx]
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:54 AM
Webtools releng discussion list
RE: [wtp-releng] Build Breaker 3

I will take a look.


From: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:56 PM
[wtp-releng] Build Breaker 3



be sure to "straighten up" any of your head releng maps .. .the 2.0 builds are failing with

Unable to find plug-in: org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.tests_0.0.0

I suspect something just got out of synch?
either jsf.core.tests (or its containing feature) probably needs to be released.
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