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[wtp-releng] Please report go or no go for RC5a by noon Tuesday: 1.5RC5a Mon, 19 Jun 2006 -- 20:02 (UTC)

1.5RC5a   Mon, 19 Jun 2006 -- 20:02 (UTC)

Is the build we plan to declare at noon on Tuesday, unless anyone finds blocking or criticial regressions and vetos the declaration.

Well, almost .. as I was typing this, GEF just declared their RC5, so I will rebuild to pick that up, but would not expect any impact on us.

So, "must test" teams, please report, Tuesday noon at the latest, please.
I think any testing you've been doing on the RC5 from last week is fine to use for your judgement, though a quick sanity check on RC5a wouldn't hurt.

The following bugs have been fixed in RC5a vs. the RC5 produced last week.

 105510 nor P2 jst.jsp [hotbug] JSP taglib validation for bad taglib prefix
 140093 nor P2 releng Update about.html files
 147757 nor P1 wst.html False validation warnings when editing HTML
 134047 nor P2 wst.sse A instance of StructuredTextEditor is leaked when editor ...

Reminder of final daze ...
see also
for some nitty gritty details about how final builds are timed and promoted.
(I will be out of town during the "critical hour" so Naci has kindly agreed to do the final steps).

6/20 (Tuesday) WTP RC5a Declared: produced for callisto
       (EMF and GEF will be at their latest, hopefully final, levels. We are not expecting changes in JEM (though VE might rev).

6/22 Calliso RC5 goes "live".

6/22 an I-build produced, if needed

6/23 an I-biuld declared, if needed

6/27 Last chance to do any final build, only if needed

6/28 all final release zips and update site files must be complete by _the morning_ of this date

6/30 Release goes live ... so, what the heck, take the next day off :)

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