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[wtp-releng] Let's smoke test 1.0.3 M-build - J2EE PASSED

J2EE Smoke testing looked good .... import /export - jar dependencies, war publishing etc....

- Chuck

Rational J2EE Tooling Team Lead
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
Email:  cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 919-254-1848 (T/L: 444)

David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/23/2006 10:53 AM

Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>

" wtp-releng" <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[wtp-releng] Let's smoke test 1.0.3 M-build


We've got about 14 bugs reportedly fixed in this interim build

And, there's been some (minor) changes on the build machine, so its worth giving this a little test.
(Note: this build does not have the more major changes we're making in the 1.5 stream, though it
probably will next week).

All "must test" teams, please report to wtp-releng. My goal is to "declare" by Wednesday noon, at the latest.
(others, of course, may also report problems, but the "must test" teams must explicitly report success or failure).

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