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Re: [wtp-releng] Build Breaker 5

No problem, Raghu ... I just like to whine ... and (mark my words) ... as soon as I complain about some one breaking the build, I usually break it soon after.

In fact, for the record, this was as much my fault as anyone's since I assumed HEAD of WTP builder was the same thing that we were building with, so I made a small change, tagged it,
and then told the build to use that tagged version. Turns out there was more in 'head' then I realized, but I could have done a compare before hand to verify its state.

Much thanks ... we are gettng close!


05/05/2006 08:43 AM

David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, Naci Dai <naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [wtp-releng] Build Breaker 5


Apologies, If we broke the WTP build.

I am under the assumption that the JSF build will be integrated in such a way that we do not interfere with the regular WTP build process, i.e WTP builds irrespective of the outcome of the JSF build.


----- Message from David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx> on Fri, 5 May 2006 01:50:21 -0400 -----
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Raghu Srinivasan <raghunathan.srinivasan@xxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [wtp-releng] Build Breaker 5

Er, thanks for the warning ... I've been spending the last 6 hours trying to figure out what's going on ... I eventually had to go "way" back to the "last good build", proved that still built, then, via compare, etc., take out what I could that mentioned JSF ... this was urgent because he had to "get up on" all the right RC versions for our RC declaration tomorrow!

So ... in future, let's make a pact that we not put thngs in 'head' until they are ready to go. Perhaps use a little side branch ... you could still build with that to get the kinks worked out, but then if one of the other of us has another (much smaller) build update to make we easily could.

Along these same lines ... I still think there is not the correct seperation between the "build" code, and some of the other tasks we have to do .. api checking, performance tests, etc.
The problem is, that I think its risky to have "near build" code changing at the same time we are trying to produce a criticial build.
In other words, it makes my life much harder.
So, those of you that do other near-build tasks ... can you please document what you are doing and why its completely safe?
Or, better yet ... but it else where ... there is no reason for it to be in releng.builder as far as I can tell ... and that is the critical ones for our builds .... because that one is unversioned.

Naci, Jeffrey, would you prefer I move the "build machine" scripts out of releng.builder?

Naci Dai <naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/05/2006 01:09 AM

Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Raghu Srinivasan <raghunathan.srinivasan@xxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [wtp-releng] Build Breaker 4

Raghu and I am trying integrate jsf into the wtp build stream, so you may see some problems today and tomorrow on the I-Builds

John, I was SO excited to see you actually reducing our plugins!  :)
But .. looks like maybe you forgot to fix and release the isv doc custom build scripts?
(I only post this here, to help us all remember in the future .. not _only_ to embarrass John :)

[build-wtp-wst-sdk] /shared/webtools/build-wtp-S/workdir/plugins/org.eclipse.wst.doc.isv/build.xml:31: The following error occurred while executing this line:

[build-wtp-wst-sdk] /shared/webtools/build-wtp-S/workdir/plugins/org.eclipse.wst.doc.isv/javadoc.xml:49: /shared/webtools/build-wtp-S/workdir/plugins/org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.views/src-navigator not found.

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