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Fw: [wtp-releng] Please smoke test I200602021148 -- wait, another build is coming .. will be ready about 2 PM (EST)

Sorry for the churn. this next one will be worth the wait :)

(Due to my odd hours, I ended up giving two contridictory instructions  ... at least one team was still "redropping" as I requested to get lined up with same code as has been released to 101 stream.
So that 's pretty important to wait for).

----- Forwarded by David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM on 02/02/2006 10:20 AM -----
David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/02/2006 09:55 AM

Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[wtp-releng] Please smoke test I200602021148 Thu,        2 Feb 2006 -- 11:48 (UTC) - today

And .. remember, do no release anything for the I-build unless its blocking a defect needed for smoke tests to pass.

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