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[wtp-releng] Please smoke test M200602010238 Wed, 1 Feb 2006 -- 02:38 (UTC) by Wednesday noon

M200602010238     Wed, 1 Feb 2006 -- 02:38 (UTC)

Sorry for this "late build" (I'm not sure who kept releasing stuff or why, but but know some of it was to complete the version numbering, etc.).

If specific teams do not have time to test before noon on Wednesday, I will still declare this one as our weekly M-build, given earlier "passed" smoke tests.

I also wanted to remind everyone that we now have all the "3.1.2" based pre-reqs in the build. So, be sure to test/run/and develop with them too.

Shouldn't be any impact, but since the 3.1.2 versions will be our "offiically supported" pre-reqs, we should be set up with those.

Below is my current understanding of our 101 end-game. Please allocate time accordinly

Monday Feb 6 - RC1 Build -- all remaining 1.0.1 defects in the build, or else they will be reviewed for deferral
Tuesday Feb 7 - RC1 Smoke Test
Wednesday Feb 8 - RC1 declared
begin "steady testing" with one week of no code changes
required to officially release on 2/20.        

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