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[wtp-releng] I-build candidate ready for tests: I-I20051104-200511040112

The much anticipated weekly I-build candidate is ready for "sanity check" ...

Component leads, please consider these failing JUnits as blocking defects.

(and/or let us know effects on general functionality, such as if not even worth sanity testing).

Make sure that any CVS releases are only for documented blocking defects until I-build declared.

We'll still attempt a Friday noon declaration, but that appears to be "high risk" (or "tight timing"?) .

But, all "must-hear teams" please report sanity tests results by noon -- everyone, please note
"requests to rebuild" with blocking defect numbers by noon.
[I believe wtp-releng is appropriate mailing list]

Remember: Chuck and Phil offered to do sanity test disconnected (from the internet :)
(And .... Phil ... has volunteered :)  to do so on Linux
[please note results/bugs in sanity tests reports].

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