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[wtp-releng] Running builds locally

Here is a draft/rough guideline to how you run a local build (BTW: we will update the releng document at www to reflect these changes).

1) Most things still apply (you will still have to have cvs, zip, unzip downloaded and available on your path). download these if you do not have them already, install and make sure that they are available form a commandline. Winzip is not suitable. You will need commandline zip/unzip.

2) You do not need to have any environment variables set (no PROJECT_HOME etc). if you launch the script as described in step 6/7.

3) Donwload an eclipse SDK to use as your releng.builder (3.1SDK is ok), you can also get the releng.builder as an alternative. "cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/home/eclipse co -P -r "HEAD" org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder" will get it for you if you have cvs installed.

4) Start an eclipse (not the one you will use as the releng base builder, although you can), and load wtp releng, and releng.builder modules

5) Optional - You can set the "build.home" in releng.builder/scripts/ to match your local build setup: (I usually make a "build-home" and create a downloads folder with the prereqs in it before hand so that downloads are skipped). It is best to set this as a -Dbuild.home parameter. You will see how to do that later.

6) You need to run cruise.xml (releng.builder/scripts/cruise.xml). Build tasks use many of the internal ant tasks provided by the eclipse PDE. They have to be in the classpath and their plugins must be loaded. Ofcourse this is only possible when eclipse is running. That is why the cruise.xml is needed. It starts a headless eclipse to run the build scripts.You can run ant from the command line or create a new external launch configuration (External Tools...>Ant Build>New) . Choose cruise.xml, You can also use the "Run as ant build..." with cruise.xml and stop it immediately to modify the config) . Choose the target you would like to run (all, test,publish, et c), and set the JRE VM Arguments as:
-Dbasearch=x86 -Dbuild.home=c:/nmd/dev/build-home -DftpRemoteDirectory=/home/data/users/ndai/downloads/webtools/downloads/drops
-DftpUser=ndai -DftpPassword=dasd

7) Click run.

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