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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] [jaxws] API review - capabilities/docs/coverage

> Do you have any idea how this documentation should look like? Does it need to be pretty detailed or it should give a brief overview on API/extension points?

Brief overview first, and then we can build on that. The idea is to
get a top-level
list of everything we know of and that can inform the review process and a
deeper dive on documentation and articles, and of course testing requirements.

> in the bug mean that you need something on the wiki till Tuesday?

That's the hope - just brief overview of extension points, some text
on what they
are for, and an example extension, whether or not it is used within the JAXWS
deliverable or if it is only for consumers, plus classes that are considered API
and what the API is for.

The world won't end if the information isn't all there on Tuesday, but it
would be good to get started on the review of what is there as soon as
M2+2 goes put the door.

We want to be definite and conservative about what we are declaring as
API, because as David W is fond of saying, API is Forever :)


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