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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Ready for XSL Release Review?


Thanks, I'll take a crack at filling the gaps, and update the ODT file as necessary. Do you want it attached here, or do you want me to just check it back in once I'm done making changes?


David M Williams wrote:

Hi all ... I am getting a "late start" but I think we can still make it ... if you all can!?

We have agreed to do an XSL 0.5 release review on 8/13. This means we need to polish up the IP Log and prepare some review materials for distribution by 8/6! (next Wednesday). Ideally we'd get this to the WTP PMC one week in advance, but since that's not possible, I'm sure I can convince them to review "real time" on 8/5 at PMC meeting. (In effect, the PMC needs to "stand behind" our releases ... agree it's ready for a release, etc., ... so, that's why they need to review it before being embarrassed by a premature submission! :)

So here's what we've got so far. I took the 2008 WTP release review materials as a starting point, and deleted a bunch of stuff, and added information specific to the XSL Component. Some of the sections might seem a little terse, but there is a prescribed format, and it is normal that for a 0.5 release that some parts would be sparse .... it is good start for the 1.0 release though :)

For what I have so far, please see

I will still be working on the IP Log part (Appendix 1) but I think I've gone as far as I should for the rest. There's a few sections that could still use your all's input. All those places I have marked with [need ... something ... ] (so you can search for "[need").

The source is in our webtools website repository under
and the files is in Open Document format.

Could you all (the XSL Team) take a look and provide some of the "[need" items, Also, of course, please proof read the rest and make corrections and improvements as you'd like.

I'm not sure there's anyway to work collaborative on a document in odt, so you might want to "announce" when you are editing? (And/or break the document into 3 or 4 separate files if that's easier).

Most of the "[need" areas just need links and prose descriptions of things (features, user docs, etc.) that should be addressed to a "casual reader" from the Eclipse Membership. That is, they are the audience, not a technical person, not a lawyer, etc. It is just meant to make the "release review" easier ... it is not to "completely explain every possible thing" about the code or project. Off hand, I'd say if each of you could spend 30 minutes on it, it would suffice.

But, there is one area that needs attention (and maybe more than 30 minutes?) and is something that Doug should do, since he is technically the lead of the XSL Component. It is on page 13, and begins with ... "Component Lead has proof-read, double checked and confirmed the following" and then there's 9 items that need to be proof-read, double checked and confirmed. (You can "confirm" by sending me a note, or commenting here). Some of these 9 items are 'easy' to do ... or may even fall out of the IP Log work I'll be doing ... but some can be sort of tedious ... such as making sure all files have copyright statements, all bundles have accurate about.html files, etc.

This confirmation of these items is one of the most important areas for the review, as this is the place where it is easy for "things to go wrong" and fail the release review ... for example, if a huge number of files did not have the standard license and copyright info, the release review would 'fail' until that was resolved.

So ... can each of you on XSL team respond here to state if you are able to work on these items and finish on Friday or Monday? I'll probably need the weekend to finish the IP Log part. If you'd like we could set up a meeting on Monday to "finish up" any last minutes items there are still questions about?

Thanks much,


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