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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Milestone Targets

David M Williams wrote:

 I can enter an 0.5 M9.

So, when would you (the XSL Team) like to have a release view. I was under the impression you wanted one near end of July. So now near mid-August? Is this timing still ok for that adopter that wanted to deliver a "product" with it? Or, do we still need to have the pre-1.0 review in July?
Yes, this would be fine for the adopter. They are comfortable enough where it is now to work on it and ship with a milestone if necessary (they'll just put out an update when the released version is ready).

Pre-1.0 can happen in August.

This would, to be explicit, still be a pre-1.0 release (meaning, pre-graduation, still incubating) release review. The main advantage of doing it at all is to have a version that has documented the IP clearance process, etc., and provide some assurance that that released version will be available long term and supported (to what ever degree you committers want to support it). In other words, adopters can use it with a little more assurance than just picking up a milestone.
A milestone 0.5M9 would be the last one before we get a pre-1.0 release.


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