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[wtp-incubator-dev] 0.5M8 and the future

So, we are nearing the 0.5M8 release. David since next week is Ganymede release should we wait until the following week to do our 0.5M8 release? I think we would get lost otherwise. It also would be nice to have another announcement on the Web Tools home page about the release. This version is a bit more polished, we still need a few more icons, and there is one annoying issue with the content assistance that still needs to be worked out. However, I think for an official 0.5 release we are close to being ready.

For polishing, I think we need to make sure there is enough user documentation in place. If anybody needs help with creating the necessary docbook files please let me know, and I'll help get you going.

Also, for when we do release 0.5 we should plan on doing an Eclipse Live seminar. Any volunteers?

As for what should the next version be called, I would go for 0.6 for now...There are several areas that still need addressing before we contemplate a 1.0 release. Their are portions of the debugging support that still need to be addressed to make it more usefull, and a few areas in content assistance, as well as a generall available model accessible through the Content Model api.

Oh as for adopter usage, I know that the company I work for will be adopting the current XSL Tooling 0.5M8 into our latest version our XML IDE product we give to our members, so there is at least one adopter. :)

David what else do you think we need to do to get us along in the incubation phase. I know I've been doing community relations via my blog which is part of planeteclipse, and I believe Doug is working on a couple of articles. Anything else you can think of?


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