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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] 0.5M8 Schedule

I'd vote for that idea Jesper. I think we should now seriously start thinking about what we will need to do in order to eventually graduate.


I know we have quite a lot of work to do in the areas of user docs, javadocs and unit tests (I admit I've been particularly bad at all three), but what I don't know is how this will be measured in terms of graduation? For instance, is their some automated tool Eclipse uses to find javadoc coverage before a project can graduate? Its easy to put javadocs in, but meaningful ones are more difficult!


When I compare our project with another, say xml.ui, I see that our project settings are currently tighter than need be. For example, in xml.ui there is no need to javadoc every public method. But I think we should at least document every public method of every class that is not in the 'internal' namespace?


David W./Nitin have you any input on what is required as a minimum for graduation?





----- Original Message ----
From: Jesper S. Møller <jesper@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: WTP Incubator Dev list <wtp-incubator-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, 2 May, 2008 12:56:55 PM
Subject: Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] 0.5M8 Schedule

David Carver wrote:
> We are on our own for the next milestone after 0.5M7 for a bit.  I
> would recommend doing a standard 6 week iteration.  That means 0.5M8
> is June 17th.    Now the next question is, do we want to stay with WTP
> 3.0 and Eclipse 3.4M6 for a while after that...or do we only migrate
> to whatever the next version of WTP is, if we need specific features
> or bug fixes from that release?
I'd say stay with WTP 3.0 as dependency, and get more users, solicit
more feedback (adopters?) and see what happens.

We need to make it easy to consume the component as long as we are not
on the release train.
> Also, do we want to bump the version after 0.5M8 to 0.6? and restart
> the Milestone numbering?
Stabilize 0.5, Restart with 1.0M1 for next yearly release train pending
graduation? Is that optimistic?

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