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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Should docbook be part of our XSL distribution?

Should the docbook plugin be maintained by the docbook developers themeselves (like it was suggested the Saxon plugin should be maintained by the Saxon developers)?Also, it raises the issue about versions of docbook - which is the most popular; will people get annoyed when we change the version deployed with Eclipse.
The version we support of the Docbook Stylesheets are the most currently released versions out there by the Docbook project. The reason that it is added is because there have been several requests from various outlets and on the XSL Requirements page to have Docbook and XSL support, along with Dita and DitaMap support. Again the plan is for these to be optional features, and examples of projects that can leverage the XSL Tooling. Because they will be optional features in a separate feature download eventually, they won't be included in the core XSL project.

Along with this, will be an example Eclipse Corner Article project, that will have the necessary files and stylesheets for creating Eclipse Corner Articles. There is already a stylesheet for docbook that produces the necessary output format.

So again, I see these as example projects that leverage the XSL and show how it can be used with existing popular stylesheet projects.


Just want to throw this out there because it my mind its not quite as clear cut as previous things we have added (like xinclude support for Ant).

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