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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Smoke Test Time

David Carver wrote:
Jesper Steen Møller wrote:
Turns out the build was broken long ago. Complains about Saxon. I'll have a look.

Personally, I'm for removing for now the Saxon option.
Done. It wasn't present in the map file anyway.
One more thing : The XPath view and the configurable outline extension is not included in the feature or otherwise. Should we make it a separate feature so people can decide for themselves?
Well...the XPath view I see as being a necessary utility for XSLT editting. Most other XSLT editors have similar functionality. OxygenXML and XML Spy to name two. So I would vote to have it included.

I think I understand the map mechanism now, so I should be able to do this without David W's help once the build is green again.
The Configurable Outline Extension, is a nice to have, and probably should incubate on it's own for eventual graduation into wst.xml.
It is pretty non-intrusive, so we might just add it.

Anyway: The scheduled build awaits the completion of the main WTP build. This takes apprx. 3 hours. So check the build page later.


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