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  • [wtp-dev] Download location update: WTP 2.0.2 bi-weely maintenance build declared - M-2.0.2-20071102000804, (continued)
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly WTP 3.0 M3 Integration Build declared I-I20071101213525-20071101213525/, Helen Zhang
  • [wtp-dev] WTP Server Adapter for WebSphere Application Server v6.1, paul.petrus
  • [wtp-dev] Type support for Javascript frameworks in JSDT, Matthias Kempka
  • [wtp-dev] JSDT Debug plugin is missing a source folder, Matthias Kempka
  • [wtp-dev] All WTP Committers: Please double check our Projects document, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] JSDT support in java ee 5 web projects, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [wtp-dev] ACTION REQUIRED for people that depend on org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui, Amy Wu
  • [wtp-dev] Moving Web services pop-up category from JST to WST, Kathy Chan
  • [wtp-dev] Fw: [] Jolt Award Nominations, Lawrence Mandel
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly I-build declared with caution: I20071026151316, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Re: [atf-dev] Laying hands on JSDT code, Matthias Kempka
  • [wtp-dev] Regrets for today's team meeting, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [wtp-dev] Question about the fix to Bug 163391, Hoi Lam
  • [wtp-dev] Need to restructure our CVS Directories, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WTP Architecture Group -- Request for Outstanding Packaging Issues, Cameron Bateman
  • [wtp-dev] Using the built-in Jetty plug-in of Eclipse, Gautham Pai
  • [wtp-dev] Does VE use org.eclipse.jem.ui?, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly I-build declared: I20071019201738, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring bi-weekly WTP 2.0.2 M build - M-2.0.2-20071018074037, Helen Zhang
  • [wtp-dev] Method for validating url patterns, Raev, Kaloyan
  • [wtp-dev] Planning to archive old releases, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly I-build declared: I20071011000128 R3.0 Thu, 11 Oct 2007 -- 00:01 (UTC), David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Update to WTP 3.0 plan for M3 Milestone.., raghunathan . srinivasan
  • [wtp-dev] Web Page Editor Property Page Sections Extension-point, Gerry Kessler
  • [wtp-dev] Eclipse Summit Europe Webcast, Raev, Kaloyan
  • [wtp-dev] Please update WTP 3.0 Requirements Page for Miletone 3.., raghunathan . srinivasan
  • [wtp-dev] First 202 M-build declared: M-2.0.2-20071004053715, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WPT M2 Declared, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Jonas Launch Configuration Properties: Working Directory, houzecl
  • [wtp-dev] XML Web services bundles branched to R2_0_maintenance, Valentin Baciu
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly I-Build Declared: I-I20070926230637-20070926230637, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Europa build failed on STP, TPTP, and WTP, Bjorn Freeman-Benson
  • [wtp-dev] Web services plugins branched to R2_0_maintenance, Kathy Chan
  • [wtp-dev] For Fans of WSDL and WebServices ..., David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Busy Week, lots to keep track of ..., David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] I-build declared: I20070921200440 with reservation, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0.1 RC3 Declared - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 -- 18:08 (UTC), David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Eric D. Peters/Toronto/IBM is out of the office, Eric D. Peters
  • [wtp-dev] Actions needed before we declare I-build, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WTP Architecture Working Group, Tim deBoer
  • [wtp-dev] RE: September 70% OFF, Viagra . com Inc
  • [wtp-dev] Import cannot be resolved on my created classes, wild_oscar
  • [wtp-dev] 2.0.1 RC3 builds and JUnit failures, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 3.0 M2 Integration Build declared - I-I20070914001836-20070914001836/, Helen Zhang
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0.1 RC2 Declared - M-2.0.1RC2-20070913200918, Helen Zhang
  • [wtp-dev] Web Services Explorer functional in WTP 3.0 WST download, Kathy Chan
  • [wtp-dev] Architecture Working Group meeting, Tim deBoer
  • [wtp-dev] controlling eclipse, miro
  • [wtp-dev] Please check out "minimum" JDT Compiler settings, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Fun with wiki categories, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Ever wanted to be invisible?, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 3.0 M2 I Build Declared - I-I20070907104717-20070907104717, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0.1 RC1 Declared, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] How to create web service to return complex type?, harry potter
  • [wtp-dev] Releasing WTP 3.0 Requirements document .., raghunathan srinivasan
  • [wtp-dev] Per-resource singletons, Cameron Bateman

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