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  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.6.0-I: I-3.6.0-20130806225948, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] +1 for Salvador Zalapa on webtools.sourceediting by Keith Chong, portal on behalf of
  • [wtp-dev] Vote for Committer status for Salvador Zalapa was started by Nick Sandonato, portal on behalf of
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.1-M: M-3.5.1-20130801043028, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.6.0-I: I-3.6.0-20130731211006, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] How to hint an IServer it should publish stuff?, Fred Bricon
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.6.0-I: I-3.6.0-20130725030056, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.1-M: M-3.5.1-20130725032235, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Build declarations this week and postponing next status meeting to Aug 1st, Chuck Bridgham
  • [wtp-dev] Kepler Java EE package missing key m2e bundles, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [wtp-dev] General WTP Status meeting today, Chuck Bridgham
  • [wtp-dev] No WTP status meeting today - back on July 18th, Chuck Bridgham
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: R-3.5.0-20130610150119, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: S-3.5.0RC4-20130610150119, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] JavaScript Outline, Dawid Pakuła
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: S-3.5.0RC3-20130604205852, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] EMF model init issues ?, Max Rydahl Andersen
  • [wtp-dev] Commit rights for Angel Vera have been expired, portal on behalf of emo
  • [wtp-dev] Jason Peterson, Jorge Padilla, and Jon Houghton going JSDT team, Christopher Jaun
  • [wtp-dev] WTP Project leads - Review Kepler Release doc draft, Chuck Bridgham
  • [wtp-dev] Source Editing: link between xml and xsd data, Ayoub . El . Barji
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: S-3.5.0RC2-20130528141217, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Getting JSDT issues fixed ?, Max Rydahl Andersen
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: S-3.5.0RC1-20130520223935, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] EJB model question, Ling Hao
  • [wtp-dev] Inconsistent feature dependencies in M7, Fred Bricon
  • [wtp-dev] Changes to JpaFacetInstallDelegate, Neil Hauge
  • [wtp-dev] Time to cleanup bugs targeted to Kepler., Chuck Bridgham
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: S-3.5.0M7-20130507050119, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Custom Server Adapter implementation WTP Server Tools - Resources, Pradeep Simha
  • [wtp-dev] Reminder- new passcode for today's meeting, Carl Anderson
  • [wtp-dev] Fwd: [webtools.jsdt.core] Fix switch statement error (#3), Wayne Beaton
  • [wtp-dev] JSDT Future, Paul Verest
  • [wtp-dev] Announce: JSF Tools API change in M7, Cameron Bateman
  • [wtp-dev] Why WTP doesn't highlight like JSDT?, 김수진
  • [wtp-dev] Build error on org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.feature, Tomoyuki Inagaki
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: I-3.5.0-20130425165816, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Fwd: [webtools.jsdt.core] Regex scanner fix (#2), Wayne Beaton
  • [wtp-dev] WTP Status meeting today - callin # change, Chuck Bridgham
  • [wtp-dev] JEE status meeting callin #, Chuck Bridgham
  • [wtp-dev] Requesting jeetools status meeting, Rob Stryker
  • [wtp-dev] JavaScript Editor with NJSDoc, John Peberdy
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: I-3.5.0-20130411050551, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Offline/Local EntityResolver to use?, Fred Bricon
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: I-3.5.0-20130404041018, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Declaring Build for wtp4x-R3.5.0-I: I-3.5.0-20130328005009, The WTP Build guy
  • [wtp-dev] Creating a new structured editor, iulian dragos
  • [wtp-dev] unsibscribe, Kris Gemborys
  • [wtp-dev] WTP Eclipsecon participant breakfast, Chuck Bridgham
  • [wtp-dev] IP CQs waiting on your team, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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