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[wtp-dev] [aeri] Weekly Problem Digest for J2ee Standard Tools ≥ 4.6.0.i20160501

New problems reported last week

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. ResourceException below ProjectDescription.index (thrown in Resource.checkExists) 2 UNCONFIRMED normal -
2. StackOverflowError below JAXWSHandlerUtils.isHandlerChainFile (thrown in FileInputStream.open0) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
3. UnsatisfiedLinkError below DownloadLibraryWizardLicensePage.createControl (thrown in Library.loadLibrary) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -

Active problems last month

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. JavaModelException below WebAnnotationReader.createJavaeeObject (thrown in JavaElement.newJavaModelException) 500+ UNCONFIRMED normal -
2. JavaModelException below CompressedJavaProject.getNonExternalSourceFolders (thrown in JavaElement.newJavaModelException) 500+ UNCONFIRMED normal -
3. IOException in ResourceBundleMapSource.createCachedBundleFile 500+ NEW normal 463321
4. NullPointerException in LibraryProviderFrameworkImpl.getCurrentProvider 500+ UNCONFIRMED normal -
5. JavaModelException below WebAnnotationReader.analyzeCompilationUnit (thrown in JavaElement.newJavaModelException) 500+ UNCONFIRMED normal -
6. NullPointerException in JEE5ModelProvider.getModelResource 500+ UNCONFIRMED normal -
7. NullPointerException in ConfigurationResourceListener.resourceChanged 500+ NEW normal 467865
8. FileNotFoundException below FileUtil.copyFile (thrown in FileOutputStream.open0) 500+ UNCONFIRMED normal -
9. NullPointerException in JEE5ContentProvider.getCachedModelProvider 500+ UNCONFIRMED normal -
10. JavaModelException below AbstractAnnotationModelProvider.recursevilyProcessPackages (thrown in JavaElement.newJavaModelException) 500+ UNCONFIRMED normal -
11. NullPointerException in ArchiveUtil.getModuleFile 500+ UNCONFIRMED normal -
12. CoreException in TomcatServer.getTomcatConfiguration 496 UNCONFIRMED normal -
13. NullPointerException in TomcatRuntimeComposite$7.done 490 UNCONFIRMED normal -
14. ValidationException in WarValidator.validateInJob 488 UNCONFIRMED normal -
15. NullPointerException in ActionType.isValidValue 477 UNCONFIRMED normal -
16. ZipException below ClasspathJarFile.getJarFileFromCPE (thrown in 464 UNCONFIRMED normal -
17. ResourceException below XDocletBuildUtility$BuildJob.getXDocletBuilder (thrown in Project.checkAccessible) 415 UNCONFIRMED normal -
18. SWTException below TomcatRuntimeComposite.init (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 396 UNCONFIRMED normal -
19. FileNotFoundException below TagModelLoader.loadFromInputStream (thrown in FileInputStream.open0) 381 UNCONFIRMED normal -
20. ConcurrentModificationException below IgnoreJavaInSourceFolderParticipant.shouldAddExportableFile (thrown in ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification) 379 UNCONFIRMED normal -
21. NullPointerException in DomAdapterFactory.adapt 377 NEW normal 464035
22. SWTException below TomcatRuntimeComposite.setRuntime (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 365 UNCONFIRMED normal -
23. NullPointerException in XMLResourceImpl.loadExisting 356 UNCONFIRMED normal -
24. CoreException in Tomcat80Configuration.load 351 UNCONFIRMED normal -
25. NullPointerException below EJBAnnotationReader.sessionBeanFound (thrown in BasicFeatureMap.contains) 304 UNCONFIRMED normal -
26. ZipException below JSFAppConfigUtils.getConfigFileJARsFromClasspath (thrown in 287 UNCONFIRMED normal -
27. NullPointerException in Ejb3ContentProvider.isEjbModuleProject 281 UNCONFIRMED normal -
28. NullPointerException below WebAnnotationReader.processRemovedModelResource (thrown in BasicFeatureMap.remove) 262 UNCONFIRMED normal -
29. IllegalArgumentException below ProjectResolver.getLocationByURI (thrown in URLDecoder.decode) 256 UNCONFIRMED normal -
30. NoStackTrace in MetaDataModelMergeAssistantImpl.addIncludeRefs 249 UNCONFIRMED normal -

Problem Resolution Statistics

Problem ResolutionsCount
Undefined: 3
FIXED: 324

To remove a problem from this report, visit its web page and set its resolution to something else than 'unresolved'.

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