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Re: [wtp-dev] Question about the planned JavaScript Debugger.

Hi guys,

Just for your information, I have implemented Run/Debug for Protractor inside AngularJS Eclipse 1.2.0. 

See at

The basic idea is that you can select a _javascript_ file and do Run/Debug Protractor which creates a Protractor launch. This launch starts Protractor with "Tern Debugger" which uses an other launch configuration type which starts node:

 * org.eclipse.core.externaltools.internal.launchConfigurations.ProgramLaunchDelegate: to Run Protractor (no debug). So you can Run Protractor without installing _javascript_ debugger
 * Webclipse debugger
 * Nodeclipse debugger

Thoses "Tern Debugger" are used too to debug tern plugins (very helpfull to develop tern plugins with breakpoint)

My next step is to use "Tern Debugger" to start Grunt/Gulp inside

When JSDT Debugger launch will be available for node, it will easy to implement "Tern Debugger" to use it. Please ping me when this launch will be available, thanks!

Hope you will like it.

Regard's Angelo

2016-01-18 20:54 GMT+01:00 Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>:
On 01/18/2016 08:31 PM, Piotr Tomiak wrote:
I've looked into the renamed API and in current shape switching to it does not give us any benefits. We have modified some parts heavily and others were just stripped away. We might reconsider that in the future depending on which direction JSDT ChDT development takes.
You could also contribute directly to JSDT and its future to have it going in the direction that fits your needs as well ;)

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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