Hi Gorkem,
Here some information I would like to tell you:
* _javascript_ Debugger. It should be very cool if someone could implement a debuger for tern.java to debug ternjs like Webclipse and Nodeclipse have done
https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/tree/master/eclipse/debuggers. This feature is soon finished and it gives you the capability to debug ternjs en your custom tern plugin with Eclipse IDE. You select the debugger you wish with a tern.java NodeJS preferences, you set a breakpoint in the tern.js file (ex: where completion is executed). You open a JS editor and you do Ctrl+Space and debugger stops to the breakpoint. So now it's very easy to debug ternjs with Eclipse IDE.
* TypeScript Langage Service. I have studied that at first by playing with :
And I find there are a big problem with performance: my Eclipse freezes soon.
To be honnest with you, I don't understand what you mean with "Can be used as an alternate to tern.js". TypeScript needs to declare variable with type (ex: var p: Person) although _javascript_ needs not that and ternjs is able to guess the type. In my side, I have started to study how we could support Angular2 which is based on TypeScript
https://github.com/angelozerr/angularjs-eclipse/issues/164 and I have several ideas to support TypeScript with tern.java:
Regard's Angelo