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Re: [wtp-dev] Schema aware XPath 2.0 evaluation with PsychoPath

Hi Dave,
  Thanks for the XDM document link.

  PsychoPath does attempt to do "atomization".

It's in the method, do_cmp_value_op of class A method call,
value_convert_args attempts to do this. Where it's written,

But in fast_atomize method, there is a TO DO note,

// XXX prolly wrong!

I guess, there is some problem with fast_atomize implementation.

It would be great if, Andrea could pitch in and provide us help in
solving these issues..

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 6:16 PM, David Carver <dcarver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Mukul,
> I've copied Andrea Bittau on this message as he was the original author that
> donated us the code.    I will say this, I have not tried the XML Schema
> awarness beyond the built in simple type support that it has.   The W3C Test
> Suite does have some tests for this, but I have not made it that far through
> creating the necessary unit tests to start testing.
> Currently I do not think that it is checking or testing correctly against
> the ComplexTypes or extension on Simple Types defined within the grammar it
> self.   I suspect we have some work and enhancement to do in this area to
> implement full XML Schema support beyond the built in types that are already
> supported.  The XPath Data Model specification has more information on how
> and when this should be constructed.
> Dave

Mukul Gandhi

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