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Fw: [wtp-dev] WTP Batch Build Instructions

Fixing the line terminations in the file has made a big difference.

Without fixing them I was seeing the same cryptic error that Naci reported:

: command not found
Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.
/bin/javaot execute /usr/lib/jvm/java-1_4_2-sun-

Now my build has gotten past that step, and it looks like it is actually doing something.

Gary Karasiuk, RAD Performance Analyst
TL-969-3985, external: (905)-413-3985

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02/25/2008 04:29 PM

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[wtp-dev] WTP Batch Build Instructions

I'm also having problems trying to get this to work.  

One thing I noticed is that some of the files are "corrupted".  For example, if you look in the file, you will see that some of the lines have Window's

LFCR line terminations, instead of the Linux line terminations. This might be messing up some of the scripts.

Other comments:

1) do we need to install cruise control?

2) typo in step 3b, it should be SKIPUSERS

Gary Karasiuk, RAD Performance Analyst
TL-969-3985, external: (905)-413-3985
wtp-dev mailing list

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